Business students win state PBL awards


Business students from Chadron State College were honored at the Phi Beta Lambda Nebraska State Leadership Conference at Kearney at the beginning of April.

Among the highlights, Caitlin Parker of Rock Springs, Wyo., and Todd Strasburger of Gordon claimed a first-place showing in business decision-making.

Parker was second in job interview and third in justice administration. Strasburger was fourth in sports management and marketing earned the Who’s Who in PBL Award.

Doug Liewer of Butte also earned multiple honors, including the Who’s Who award. He was fifth in the future business executive category and seventh in macroeconomics.

Strasburger, Parker and Liewer will take part in competitions at the National Leadership Conference in Nashville, Tenn., July 9-12.

Other CSC students who placed in various events at Kearney were Abbey Schaffer of Hyannis, sixth in accounting for professionals; Rodney Tembo of Zimbabwe, sixth in microeconomics; and Alex Adden of Sidney, eighth in business communication.

The awards are part of a comprehensive competitive events program sponsored annually by Future Business Leaders of America–Phi Beta Lambda. Individuals, teams, and local chapters compete in 50 different events representing a wide range of focuses. CSC’s six PBL delegates participated in competitive events, conference sessions, networking with students, and the election of state officers at the Nebraska State Leadership Conference.

“The state leadership conference helped me gain vast knowledge in all fields of business. Not only did I become more educated in my field of study, I was able to interact with other students and further develop my own education,” Strasburger said. “The fellow PBL students, especially the state officers, are an awesome group to work with. Each member of our individual chapter brought back special talents and ideas on how to improve our chapter. We also now know the types of goals we can achieve with a little extra hard work.”

Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda is the national business education association that prepares students for careers in business and business education. Its members, belonging to more than 12,000 chartered chapters, include students from the United States, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and Europe. FBLA is the high school division and PBL is designed for post-secondary and college students.

For membership information about FBLA-PBL, visit the national Web site at or contact the CSC PBL chapter advisor Dr. Jamie Waldo at

-College Relations

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