Art History Students Take Denver Field Trip


Seven CSC art students enrolled in Art 339/Art History Survey II took an overnight field trip to Denver, Colorado on Thursday, September 23, 2010, coming back on Friday, September 24.

Associate Professor Laura Bentz, MFA, took her art history students to see the Denver appearance of King Tut. Tutankhamen: The Golden King and the Great Pharaohs, is a traveling exhibit with more than 100 objects spanning 2000 years of ancient Egyptian history. The exhibition, the only stop in the region is at the Denver Art Museum for a limited six month appearance. Students who made the trip were Jean Dobias, Kelsey Hinesley, Debra Hellerich, Priscilla Sandoz, Tiffany Wiley, Joshua Hoffman, and Joshua Martin. Other highlights were seeing works of art from the DAM's internationally recognized collection of Central and South American works and famous artists as Claude Monet, Andy Warhol, Sandy Skogland, and Claes Oldenburg.

-College Relations

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