Volunteers Sought for C Hill Plantings

Workers on Thursday load a trailer with a portion of the ponderosa pine seedlings that will be planted in the C Hill area.
Workers on Thursday load a trailer with a portion of the ponderosa pine seedlings that will be planted in the C Hill area south of Chadron State College. Photo by Justin Haag


Chadron State College is seeking volunteers for its massive reforestation project south of the campus.

Chadron State College is seeking volunteers for its massive reforestation project south of the campus.

The 10,000 evergreens that will be planted by hand during April arrived Thursday. The seedlings were taken to the CSC campus after they were delivered to the Upper Niobrara White Natural Resources District building by truck.

CSC horticulturist Lucinda Mays said volunteer help from community groups and families will be critical to the planting's success. She said about 10 groups have committed to the effort to date and opportunities exist for many more. She has planned 90 two-hour planting sessions.

The trees, priced at $1 each, are being purchased with a grant from the Arbor Day Foundation. The effort is intended to bring back the once arboraceous scene of the C Hill area that was scorched during the region's wildfires of July 2006.

In all, 50,000 trees will be planted. Those that are not planted by hand will be done by machine.

To reserve a planting time, contact Mays at lmays@csc.edu or leave a message at 308-432-6401.

-College Relations

Category: Campus Events, Campus News