Three Platinum Eagles presented

Jessica Cervantes, Barrett Hahn and Sarah Pilakowski.
Jessica Cervantes, Barrett Hahn and Sarah Pilakowski.


Three seniors from eastern Nebraska were the 2008-09 recipients of Platinum Eagle awards during Ivy Day on Friday at Chadron State College. They are Jessica Cervantes of West Point, Sara Pilakowski of Genoa and Barrett Hahn of Aurora.

The Platinum Eagles are generally awarded to one female and one male for "distinguished leadership and service." The awards are considered the highest honor a CSC student can receive.

This is the first time in the 20 years that the awards have been given that there were more than two recipients. Chelsea Keeney, a junior from Callaway who headed the selection committee made up of students and faculty, said the contributions by Cervantes and Pilakowski were so outstanding that it was necessary to honor both of them.

Cervantes has been secretary, chief justice and president of the Student Senate, vice president of the Health Professions Club, a new student orientation leader, an honor student mentor, a member of the Edna Work Residence Hall Council, a member of the City of Chadron Youth Council and a translator for Dawes County. She also belonged to Beta Beta Beta Biology Honorary, the Newman Club and was an Awana youth group leader.

Pilakowski was vice president of the Student Alumni Council, an anatomy and physiology mentor, a new student orientation leader, a member of the Physical Activity Center Improvement Committee, a Phonathon caller and holds the Chadron State record in the 400-meter dash outdoors. She also belonged Cardinal Key National Honor Society, the Campus Activities Board and the Health Professions Club and worked in Awana.

Hahn has been parliamentarian, vice president and president of Phi Beta Lambda Business Fraternity, president of Students in Free Enterprise, secretary of Delta Mu Delta Business Honorary and a member of the Student Senate, Blue Key National Honor Society, Campus Crusade for Christ, the Wildlife Club and the Chadron Youth Council. He also was a new student orientation leader.

The other finalists for the Platinum Eagle award were Pamela Anderson, Minden, Keri Byczkowski, Sterling, Colo.; Mike Aimone, Kemmerer, Wyo.; Grant Sasse, Monument, Colo.; and Kyle Schmidt, Gordon.

-College Relations

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