Students inducted to business honor society

Deanna Kantor, Keegan Parr, Cassandra Humphrey, Jo Ellen Keigley, Caitlin Spencer, Jamie Benson. Back row, from left, Tyson Floyd, Jennifer MacKay, Jacqueline Miller, William Wilson, Garrett Treffer, Marianne Griffiths, Renae Griffiths, Andrew Johnson, Tamacena Caley, Tendai Gambiza.
Delta Mu Delta inductees, front row, from left, Deanna Kantor, Keegan Parr, Cassandra Humphrey, Jo Ellen Keigley, Caitlin Spencer, Jamie Benson. Back row, from left, Tyson Floyd, Jennifer MacKay, Jacqueline Miller, William Wilson, Garrett Treffer, Marianne Griffiths, Renae Griffiths, Andrew Johnson, Tamacena Caley, Tendai Gambiza.


Twenty-six students were inducted to Chadron State College’s Kappa Kappa chapter of Delta Mu Delta, the national honor society for business, during a ceremony in the Burkhiser Complex on Thursday, Nov. 12.

The inductees, who represent the top 20 percent of upper level business administration students, are offered lifetime recognition of outstanding achievements, eligibility to compete in the annual scholarship awards program, acknowledgement for federal employment, networking opportunities, and lifetime contract through the organization’s annual Vision newsletter. Chapter members wear cords at graduation signifying their affiliation. Only business programs accredited by the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs are eligible to have a Delta Mu Delta chapter.

The chapter’s faculty advisers, Dr. Barbara Limbach and Dr. Wendy Waugh, said induction to Delta Mu Delta as the highest honor a business student can attain. Since the chapter’s inception in 2004, 170 students have become members.

This year’s inductees:

Graduate students - Christopher Casto, Milton, W.V.; Sandeep Dhingra, Ashburn, Va.; Tyson Floyd, Chadron; Terry Allen Glover, Lexington, S.C.; Renae L. Griffiths, Scottsbluff; Jacqueline Miller, Rapid City, S.D.

Seniors – Kevin Glen Black, Papillion; Kelsie Bonavia, Tuolumne, Calif.; Tammie Caley, Lusk, Wyo.; Brian Paul Gronewold, Gothenburg; Cassandra Humphrey, Chadron; Deanna Kantor, Sidney; Joe Ellen Hines Keigley, Guernsey, Wyo.; Sherri L. Uerling, McCook; William Russell Wilson, Chadron; Jacob Zitterkopf, Scottsbluff.

Juniors – Jamie Benson, Greeley, Colo.; Haley Cooper, Oshkosh; Tendai M. Gambiza, Chinyhoyi, Zimbabwe; Marianne Griffiths, Scottsbluff; Andrew Johnson, Broken Bow; Jennifer MacKay, Sidney; Keegan Parr, Wallace; Caitlin Spencer, Mullen; Garrett Treffer, Gering; Jesslyn Watson.

Limbach and Waugh also garnered honors during the event, each receiving a framed certificate for five years of service to Delta Mu Delta. The chapter also elected officers for 2010-2011, who are Caitlin Spencer, president, Marianne Griffiths, vice president, and Andrew Johnson, secretary.

The inductions were presented by two of the chapter’s student officers -- president Rosemary Ganyiwa of Hatfield, Zimbabwe, and  secretary Victoria Barraza of Bayard. Others who spoke during the event were Dr. Margaret Crouse, a CSC dean who delivered the response from the college, and business department chairman Dr. Jamie Waldo, who made closing remarks.

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