High school students attend Art Day

Chadron State College adjunct faculty member Nancy Sharps works with regional high school students on watercolor paintings.
Chadron State College adjunct faculty member Nancy Sharps works with regional high school students on watercolor paintings during Art Day 2009. Photo by Dewayne Gimeson


The Chadron State College Art Department hosted Art Day on Monday, Nov. 9, at Memorial Hall.

Art Day consisted of a hands-on workshop with various sessions for high school students. Members of the CSC art faculty conducted workshops with help from students of the department. The workshops covered ceramics, glass, watercolor, scratchboard, printmaking, photography and graphic design. 

More than 125 high school students attended from Alliance, Bayard, Bridgeport, Chadron, Crawford, Gordon, Rushville, Hay Springs, Hemingford, Kimball, Mitchell, Morrill and Sioux County, as well as Rapid City and Oelrichs, S.D.

-Carmen Brown

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