Grants awarded to outdoor classroom project


The Chadron State College Child Development Center has received a big financial boost for the the construction of its Nature Explore Outdoor Learning Classroom.

The project is receiving funding from three grants – one each from the Nebraska Department of Roads, the Nebraska Environmental Trust and the National Gardening Association.

The largest of the three grants is $3,000 from the Nebraska Department of Roads’ Community Enhancement Program. The CEP, which is administered by the Nebraska Forest Service and the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum, has awarded funding to 31projects in 26 communities throughout the state.

The Nebraska Environmental Trust awarded $1,000 to the project in the form of an “Education MiniGrant.” The CDC is one of seven Nebraska projects to be awarded funds in the first quarter of 2009.

The National Gardening Association is donating an assortment of books for the children and a $500 gift card to purchase materials.

Kim Madsen, CDC director, applied for the grants. The Nature Explore Classroom project broke ground in November 2008.

The designs incorporate elaborate landscaping with a blend of natural learning features and existing turf. Some of the features will include raised planting beds, a crushed stone pathway, rocks for climbing, a greenhouse and a stage for performances. Children will sit on log benches and seats made of tree stumps and will play in areas of grass, sand, dirt, water and mulch.

About a dozen Nature Explore Classrooms have been created across the United States, including three in Nebraska.

-College Relations

Category: Campus News