History Day is Saturday


Thirty-eight high school and elementary students from Dawes and Sioux counties will compete in Nebraska’s western district section of the National History Day competition at Chadron State College on Saturday, March 15. The competition begins at 9 a.m. in the Mari Sandoz High Plains Heritage Center and is expected to end before noon. The awards ceremony will be at 1:30 p.m.

The students will present their projects in hopes of becoming one of the top three placewinners who advance to state competition. The students have created papers, Web pages, documentaries, performances and exhibits to the history-based theme of “conflicts and compromises.”

Moni Hourt, the Sandoz Center’s director of educational outreach and exhibits who is coordinating the competition, said about 50,000 students take part in district contests across the nation. From each state contest, two will advance to the national competition in Maryland in June. Hourt noted that all three winners of Nebraska’s western district finished in the top 15 in the nation last year, and that one of the students was in the top two.

The event is open to the public free of charge. Following the awards ceremony, the students will tour “Lewis and Clark and the Indian Country,” the exhibit that is on display in CSC's Reta King Library.

-College Relations

Category: Campus News, Historical