Governor speaks about job creation efforts


Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman touted the state’s quality of life to an audience of about 50 people during a stop at Chadron State College on Friday afternoon.

Heineman, who was invited to speak at the college by Luke Perry, CSC assistant professor of social sciences, spoke and fielded questions for about 40 minutes in the Student Center. After speaking to students and other community members about his administration’s efforts to attract and retain young adults in the work force, he addressed a number of other issues while fielding questions. The issues included transportation, the death penalty, water resources, tourism and the national housing crisis.

He told the audience that education is essential to the state’s future success, and that college training will be essential for people to find work in the technology driven global economy of the future.

“Literally, half of the jobs that kindergarteners will have don’t even exist today,” he said.

-College Relations

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