Food Tasting Party is Feb. 16

Students dress in international clothing
Chadron State students Lily Amare, back, Hella Bekele and Melat Sileshi perform the Ethiopian Eskesta dance at last year's Food Tasting Party.


The Chadron State College International Club reports that tickets still remain for its annual Food Tasting Party, which is Saturday, Feb. 16, at 5:30 p.m. in the Student Center ballroom.

The Food Tasting Party features the cuisine and entertainment of CSC’s International Club members, who represent about a dozen countries. Some of the countries to be represented are Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Nepal, Germany, Russia, Ukraine, Botswana and Lebanon.

"This is the biggest thing our club does all year," said CSC sophomore Alula Mazengia of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Tickets may be obtained from International Club members or their advisor, Frances Gonzalez: or (308) 432-6381.

-College Relations

Category: Campus News, International Students