Controversy, significance of art is lecture topic


Loree MacNeill, Chadron State College’s director of cultural programs and college relations, will tell about the importance of the arts during the college’s next installment of the Graves Lecture Series. MacNeill’s presentation, “Why the Arts?,” will be at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 5, in the basement of the Reta King Library.

MacNeill said she will explore a number of controversial themes in the arts.

“I’m going to explore what makes art controversial, and why it is that people walk out when they see something that they believe is a ‘threat,’” MacNeill said.

MacNeill also plans to discuss the arts’ significance in historical cultures and current everyday living.

MacNeill’s speech is the second of the lecture series this spring. On Feb. 19, Dr. Ann Buchmann will lead a book discussion of Loren Eisley’s “Star Thrower.” The remaining presentations have been scheduled to relate to a traveling exhibit that will be on display at the library March 5 through April 18 -- “Lewis and Clark and the Indian Country.”

Following is a list of the presentations relating to explorers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark and their early 19th century expedition.

March 11, Dr. Joel Hyer; March 18, Mike Her Many Horses; March 25, Kira Gale of Omaha; April 1, Dr. Jim Hanson; April 8, Dr. Catherine Lockwood. Each presentation is open to the public free of charge.

-College Relations

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