Governor names CSC's student board member

Tyler Thompson
Tyler Thompson


A 2004 graduate of Gering High School, Tyler Thompson, is the new student representative on the Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges. He was appointed by Gov. Dave Heinemann last month, and succeeds Tyler Pribbeno of Imperial. Thompson is a secondary education major who plans to become a high school English teacher. He initially attended Hastings College, but transferred to Chadron State in the fall of 2005.

He is a member of Blue Key National Honor Society and Sigma Tau Delta, an English honorary society. He also is historian for Sigma Delta Nu, an education honorary, is an admissions ambassador and is active in Campus Crusade for Christ.

He was elected the Winter Magic Formal king at CSC in February.

Thompson’s parents, Mike and Roxie Thompson, are Chadron State graduates.

-College Relations

Category: Campus News, Student Awards & Achievements