Pilster gift will benefit western Nebraska


Chadron State College President Janie Park said western Nebraskans will be thrilled to learn of the gift of Dawes County ranchland appraised at nearly $1 million to the Mari Sandoz Heritage Society by Esther Pilster of Omaha.

During a news conference announcing the gift on Friday, Park said she is pleased that the funds will be added to the endowment that support programs offered through the Mari Sandoz High Plains Heritage Center located at CSC. She added that the gift will be a legacy to Mrs. Pilster and her late husband, Raleigh, who grew up on the ranch located northwest of Whitney.

“The funds will be used to preserve the marvelous history and culture of the High Plains and to develop new programs,” Park said.

Also speaking at the news conference was Dr. Ron Hull of Lincoln, a member of the Sandoz Society board since it was founded in 1971 and president of the society 18 of the past 19 years.

He noted that $2.6 million was raised to renovate the old library at CSC and add the Vern and Madge Fortune Chicoine Atrium to the form the Sandoz Center, which opened in 2002. He said the Pilster gift will greatly enhance the center’s programming.

“They (the Pilsters) were educators and they are leaving this gift to education,” Hull said. “Her gift to this wonderful institution couldn’t please me more.”

With the inclusion of the Esther and Raleigh Pilster Fund, the Sandoz Society will soon have 15 endowments under its management and a total valuation of approximately $1.25 million, Hull said.

But he said the society will continue to build the endowment and pursue funds to eventually add a conferencing facility, as was proposed when the college and the society announced its fundraising plans for the center in 1999.

-College Relations

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