Park wants Chadron State to take new leadership role in region

Dr. Janie Park delivers her inaugural address, which was titled Place Matters.
Dr. Janie Park delivers her inaugural address, which was titled Place Matters.


Chadron State College’s new president, Dr. Janie Park, stressed the importance of working with the residents of the region to solve common problems and the college’s need to be a good steward during her inauguration address last Friday night. Park said a college that is a good steward is responsive to public needs and is intertwined with its region so that both will prosper.

“We have a responsibility to be a partner in helping develop strategies to a brighter future in our region,” said Park, who became Chadron State’s 10th president last August and was continually commended during the inauguration ceremonies for the way she has filled the position. She added that a college must listen to the communities it serves and work together to forge strategies that will resolve the issues they confront.

She noted that a college takes on the role of a learner as often as it exercises its role as a teacher and that people both on- and off-campus are a college’s most valuable resource.

“I believe we must have a vision for the future, but vision is not enough. We must develop a plan of action to achieve our vision. Then we must roll up our sleeves and get to work.”

Park also stressed the importance of educational opportunity and said the investment in higher education is the best investment Nebraska taxpayers can make for the economic health and future of the state.

“Today, I challenge Chadron State College to a higher level of public service. I would like us to re-establish our commitment to the place where we live,” Park said. “I believe we must play a role in improving the lives of people in our region and strengthening the fabric of our communities. I challenge this wonderful college to become a better steward of the communities and the region we serve.”

In noting that Chadron State will be celebrating its centennial in 2011, Park said she accepts the fact that she won’t be able to accomplish everything that should be accomplished during her tenure of president, but she pledged that she will try her best to start the forward movement that will ensure a successful second 100 years for the college.

Park concluded her address by relating a metaphoric story she said a wise college president once told her about being the leader of a higher education institution. She said he equated it to driving a herd of cattle from Texas to Oregon. Some days several miles will be covered, other days the progress will be slow and once in a while it will seem that perhaps nothing was accomplished. But, she said, if the vision is maintained and the drivers persist by moving “roughly northwest,” the destination will eventually be reached.

“Together we can achieve our vision if we keep the endpoint in mind and if we make progress ‘roughly’ in the direction of the vision,” Park said. “I pledge to you my very best efforts and my complete focus on achieving our collective vision for Chadron State College.”

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-College Relations

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