Justice studies students to present papers


Seven justice studies majors who are honor students at Chadron State College will present their scholarly research papers during an “academic showcase” at 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 11 in the Chicoine Atrium of the Sandoz Center. The program is open to the public without charge.

The presenters and their topics are:

--Erin Legerski of Rock Springs, Wyo., “Wyoming/Nebraska Probation Study.”

--Michele Meissner of Mountain View, Wyo., “School Resource Officers in Nebraska.”

--Amanda Halderman of Custer, S.D., and Heather Messmer of Sturgis, S.D., “The Attitudes of Nebraska Attorneys on Current Legal Issues.”

--Seth Alberts of Palisade and Jack Sides of Hot Springs, “The Attitudes of Nebraska Police Officers on Current Criminal Justice Issues.”

--Corey Wasserburger of Fort Worth, Texas, “Roper vs. Simmons: Juvenile Death Penalty.”

The papers were initially given last November at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Toronto in mid-November. They made up about half the papers given by undergraduate students at the conference.

-College Relations

Category: Campus News