History day at CSC on Friday


Chadron State College will host the annual Western Nebraska History Day on Friday, March 24 in the Student Center. Middle school and high school students from the Panhandle and as far east as Ainsworth are eligible to enter.

This year’s theme is “Taking a Stand in History: People, Ideas and Events.”

The contest director, Dr. Randall Austin, said entries have been received in three categories. They are exhibits, papers and performance. This year’s contest also includes web site design, but Austin said no one has entered it.

The top two entries in each category in both the junior and senior divisions are eligible to participate in the state contest in Lincoln in April. The top two from the state contest can advance to the national competition in Washington, D.C.

Last year, four entries from the contest at CSC won firsts and two more placed second at the state contest.

The contest will start at 9 a.m. and is expected to conclude about 12:30 p.m. Chadron State history majors will serve as judges.

-College Relations

Category: Campus News