Earth Day celebration is Tuesday


Four speakers are on the program for the second annual Earth Day Celebration at Chadron State College. The event will be from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday, April 18 in the Student Center Ballroom, and is being sponsored by the CSC Geoscience Club. No admission will be charged.

The speakers and their topics are:

--Sherry Daniels, water resources manager for the Upper Niobrara-White Natural Resources District at Chadron, “Water Conservation.”

--Mark Czaplewski, biologist, Central Platte River NRD at Grand Island, “Platte River Cooperative Agreement and Proposed Endangered Species Recovery Program.”

--Dr. Barbara Hayford, associate professor of biology at CSC, “Impact of Intensive Grazing Practices on Mongolian Streams.”

--Dr. Hannan LaGarry, adjunct professor of geoscience at CSC, “Geological Survey (1996-2006) in Northwestern Nebraska.”

-College Relations

Category: Campus News