Updated tragedy at CSC this weekend

Students pose face to face
Antigone, portrayed by Elisabeth Saunders of Rapid City, and her uncle, Creon (Danny Giffee), exchange sharp words after she defies his order and buries her brother Polynices during the tragedy "Antigone."


An updated version of the Greek tragedy “Antigone” will be presented this weekend by the Theater Department at Chadron State College. It will go on stage at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Feb. 10-12 and 2 p.m,. Sunday, Feb. 13 in the Black Box Theater of Memorial Hall.

This version was written by French playwright Jean Anouilh in 1944, some 2,500 years after Sophocles wrote the original account. France was occupied by the Nazis when Anouilh revised the play, which is filled with political oppression and individuality.

It is the story of Antigone, young daughter of the late King Oedipus. After Oedipus banishes himself from the kingdom for unknowingly killing his father and marrying his mother, it is determined that his sons, Eteocles and Polynices will rule in alternate years.

When Eteocles refuses to cooperate and civil war breaks out, both brothers die.

Enter Acting King Creon, Antigone’s uncle. He decrees that Polynices is not to be buried under penalty of death. Antigone is devoted to Polynices and defies the decree. She is arrested, convicted and ordered put to death.

Creon and Antigone have sharp words for one another as tragedy after tragedy unfold.

Antigone is played by Elisabeth Saunders of Rapid City while Creon is portrayed by Danny Giffee of Dawson, Neb. Hannah McMaster of Chadron keeps the play moving as the narrator, or chorus.

Others in the production and their parts are Crystal Weaver of Ord, the nurse; Shelley Fiester of Scottsbluff, Ismene; Cody Griebel of Hot Springs, Haemon; April Armstrong of Minatare, the messenger; Ashley Jorgensen of Mountain View, Wyo., the page; Brittany Halladay of Kamas, Utah, Eurodyce;.and Phil Lockwood of Chadron, Lars Monson of Benkelman and Heath Draney of Omaha, guards.

The play is directed by Roger Mays. Hannah Huckfeldt of Chadron is the costume designer and Adams Spencer of Grand Island is arranging the lights.

Reservations may be made by calling the Memorial Hall box office at 432-6360 from 2 to 5 p.m. each weekday. The tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for senior citizens and youth 18 and under.

-College Relations

Category: Campus News, Theatre