Students recognized for campus involvement

John Mayo, Elisa Wickman, Rachel Wickman and Angel Mizner.
The top four point-getters for the STRIVE awards are, from left, John Mayo, Elisa Wickman, Rachel Wickman and Angel Mizner.


Six Chadron State College students were recognized for outstanding campus involvement during an afternoon ceremony Tuesday. Elisa Wickman, a freshman from Eli, Neb., was the top point-getter among students competing for the annual STRIVE awards – an acronym created from the words success, teaching, responsibility, initiative, volunteering and excellence.

Members of the ELITE program accumulate points for the STRIVE awards by attending events at Chadron State throughout the academic year. Extra points are awarded to those who take a leadership role at an event.

Elisa’s sister, freshman Rachel Wickman, was recognized for second place. Others honored were Angel Mizner, a sophomore from Springview; John Mayo, a junior from Chadron; Jack Funk, a sophomore from O’Neill; and Lillian Witt, a junior from Pine Ridge, S.D.

The STRIVE awards were presented to the students by Chadron State College President Dr. Tom Krepel. Recognition also was given to numerous faculty and other successful students involved with the program, including those on the president’s list and dean’s list.

ELITE, which stands for Educational Learning Initiatives Towards Excellence, is a Student Support Services program at Chadron State funded through the federal TRIO initiative. Chadron State’s program, which was implemented in 2001, serves about 160 students.

-College Relations

Category: Campus News