Sheldon Exhibit in Memorial Hall

Dr. Ken Emonds speaks at Chadron State's graduation in May.


The Sheldon Statewide Exhibit has opened in Memorial Hall. It is titled “Who Is Imitating Whom? Photography and Photorealism in Art.” The show focuses on the intertwined relationships between photography and photorealism in art. It will remain open through Sept. 16. The gallery hours are from 9 a.m. through 4 p.m. each weekday.

It is noted that photographers create images that look like paintings and artists make paintings that look like photographs. Long before cameras were invented, artists who could depict realistic imagery were held in high esteem. When photography was initially invented, its ability to capture realty was also greatly admired. Some contend that over time that status has declined, and eventually it has become viewed as merely a mechanical took with little artistic value. The exhibit will allow the visitors to consider and compare the value of both forms.

-College Relations

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