Service-learning leader coming to CSC


A national leader in service-learning will be at Chadron State College on Friday, Dec. 2 for a day-long session with faculty and staff members. The program will be in the Student Center starting at 8:30 a.m.

The presenter will be Dr. Edward Zlotkowski, a professor of English at Bentley College in Boston and the senior faculty fellow at Campus Compact, which is a coalition of more than 950 colleges and universities representing some five million students who are dedicated to promoting community service, civic engagement and service-learning in higher education.

Service-learning is a strategy that provides experiences so students can use their academic training for community service.

Zlotkowski also was at Chadron State in the spring of 2004 in conjunction with the college’s participation in the Foundations of Excellence in the First College Year project.

Representatives of a number of the 21 higher education institutions in Nebraska and South Dakota that are members of the Midwest Consortium for Service-Learning in Higher Education will be at CSC on Friday to attend Zlotkowski’s presentations. The consortium’s quarterly meeting will take place Saturday morning.

Zlotkowski earned all of three of his degrees from Yale. From 1995 through 2004, he was senior associate and general editor of the American Association for Higher Education’s 20-volume series exploring the relationship between service-learning and academic disciplines/disciplinary areas.

He also has designed and facilitated professional development opportunities in service-learning for provosts and deans as well as a series of summer institutes for academic departments and been a consultant for numerous colleges, universities and related organizations. In addition, he has written and edited several books dealing with service-learning topics.

Besides his service-learning work, Zlotkowski has written on English and German romanticism and contemporary American poetry.

-College Relations

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