Governor applauds Revenue Committee's action

Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman addresses the crowd during a reception at Chadron State College.
Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman addresses the crowd during a reception at Chadron State College.


Dave Heineman was a happy governor while visiting Chadron Thursday afternoon. He said Nebraska has an educational system that is among the nation’s best and applauded the Nebraska Legislature’s Revenue Committee for approving a business incentive plan earlier in the day.

Speaking to 94 gold honor roll students from Chadron High School at the 47th annual Kiwanis Honors Program, Heineman said the quality of their education will allow them to compete successfully in whatever they choose to do. He also said the tax incentive plan will spark economic growth and help create high paying jobs so they won’t have to leave the state to earn a living.

“I know we don’t like to brag, but Nebraska has the best quality life of any place you can find,” the governor told the students. “This is the best place to live, work and raise a family. As governor, I want to make sure we are providing the best education possible and that we have good paying jobs available. We have to quit exporting our brightest and our best.”

During a reception at Chadron State College after speaking to the high school students, Heineman said the new measure, LB 312 that will now advance to the entire legislature, will help both small and large businesses and small and large communities. He said it will expand the current eligibility for tax incentives, provide grants for entrepreneurship and help businesses provide employee training.

He predicted that the legislation will allow Nebraska to be competitive in business recruitment and development for the next decade.

“It will allow more small and medium-sized businesses to receive tax credits and create a climate in which they can grow,” he said.

The governor said he has definitely enjoyed his first 90 days in office, but acknowledged that he has a tough decision coming up. That will be the selection of the design for the state’s quarter. He noted that he is being presented with four good choices, but the supporters of the design he doesn’t choose will be mad at him.

As might be anticipated, when he asked for a show of hands on which design they favored, members of the Chadron Rotary Club to whom he spoke just prior to going to the honors program overwhelmingly favored the Chimney Rock design.

-College Relations

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