Civil War songs to be sung in region


A patriotic event sponsored by the Galaxy Series at Chadron State College will be presented in three western Nebraska communities this week.

Robert Trentham is a tenor who will present programs for students titled “In Thinking of America” in Scottsbluff on Tuesday, in Sidney on Wednesday and Friday and in North Platte on Thursday. The Western Nebraska Arts Center is helping sponsor the program in Scottsbluff.

Evening programs that will be open to the public without charge will be at the First Lutheran Church in North Platte on Thursday evening and in the Sidney High School Auditorium on Friday evening. Both will begin at 7:30.

Trentham, who is from California, began researching his family’s involvement in the Civil War several years ago. He learned that he had 30 relatives who were in the military during the conflict. This led to the creation of the production.

The programs will include numerous songs that were popular during Civil War era, including “Dixie’s Land,” The Battle Cry of Freedom,” “At the River,” “Goober Peas,” “Home! Sweet Home” and the “Battle Hymn of the Republic.”

Trentham has presented his program in more than 120 cities the past four years. He has been a soloist in some of America’s leading concert halls, including Carnegie Hall, The Kennedy Center and the Philadephia Academy of Music.”

He will be accompanied during his tour of western Nebraska by pianists Richard Pearson Thomas and Linda Jones. Thomas also helps compose the numbers.


The schedule:

*Tuesday, Feb. 22, 10:30 a.m. in the Little Theater at Western Nebraska Community College.


*Wednesday, Feb. 23 and Friday, Feb. 25, 1:15 p.m. at Sidney High School Auditorium.


*Thursday, Feb. 24, at St. Patrick’s High School in North Platte, 2:20 p.m. and **First Lutheran Church at 7:30 p.m.


**Friday, Feb. 25 at Sidney High School Auditorium at 7:30 p.m.

*Primarily for students. **Open to the public All programs free, courtesy of Chadron State College’s Galaxy Series program.

-College Relations

Category: Campus News