Chadron High student wins showmanship contest


A junior at Chadron High School, Casey Schuhmacher, was the overall winner of the senior division Round Robin Showmanship Contest sponsored by the Ag Club at Chadron State College on Saturday, April 18. Twenty-two youths participated.

Schuhmacher also was the sheep showmanship winner among youths 14 and older while Cory Harwood of Crawford won the swine and horse showmanship honors and Aubrey Soester of Crawford was the poultry winner.

In the junior division for youths 8 through 13, Taya Lembke of Hemingford was the overall champion and won both the swine and horsemanship honors. Lakin Beaver was the sheep showmanship winner and Tom Emerson the poultry winner. Both are from Crawford.

Sarah Tweet of Crawford won the pee-week division for those 7 and under. She also was the sheep winner. Deven Beaver of Crawford took the swine and horse honors while Laureli Tangwall and Brooke Howard, both of Whitney, tied for the poultry title.

Alana Tweet of Crawford was the overall novice winner.

Chadron State students served as the youth evaluators and also had their own showmanship and judging contests. Anita Bartlett, a 2000 graduate of Sandhills High School at Dunning and now of Bayard, was the overall showmanship winner while Shane Max of Gothenburg was the overall judging contest winnner.

Farris Williams, a graduate of North Loup-Scotia High School who now lives at St. Edward, Neb., won both the sheep and swine showmanship contests while Tina Krueger of Howells was the horse winner and Aaron Hird of Litchfield won the poultry title.

Max won the product evaluation contest to go with his overall judging honors. Bartlett was the range evaluation winner and Kruger was the livestock judging champ.

-College Relations

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