Speaker at CSC to portray Martin Luther King

Leon Williams
Leon Williams


A program titled “Shattered Dreams,” discussing how Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. might react to today’s social conditions, will be at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 22 in Memorial Hall at Chadron State College. It will be open to the public without charge.

The presenter will be Leon Williams, director of intercultural affairs at Buena Vista College at Storm Lake, Iowa. He reportedly will assume the persona of Dr. King and challenge his listeners to accept the moral and social responsibilities of civil rights and human dignity.

Publicity pertaining to Williams says, “He has an extraordinary way of taking the sensitive issues of race, diversity and multiculturalism and injecting them with humor, love and passion.”

The statement adds, “Williams has developed a passion for creating harmony and a spirit of healing and cooperation in campus environments where hostility and misunderstanding can dominate.”

Williams’ presentation is being sponsored by the Diversity Committee, Campus Activities Board, Student Senate and Pine Ridge Job Corps Center.

-College Relations

Category: Campus Events, Campus News