SIFE team wins First Lady Award

Chadron State students Eric Stewart of McCook and Jennifer Koza of Chadron display the award while flanked by Nebraska First Lady Stephanie Johanns and Jamesena Moore, Nebraska Volunteer Service Commission chairwoman.
Chadron State students Eric Stewart of McCook and Jennifer Koza of Chadron display the award while flanked by Nebraska First Lady Stephanie Johanns and Jamesena Moore, Nebraska Volunteer Service Commission chairwoman.


The Students in Free Enterprise team at Chadron State College was recognized with the Nebraska First Lady’s Outstanding Community Service Award in Lincoln on Thursday, March 25.

The SIFE team was honored for providing educational outreach programs which assist area residents of all ages in marketing their skills. The 12-member team combined performed more than 2,200 hours of community service.

The team taught business skills to all Chadron fourth-grade students using a board game, taught all seventh-grade students checkbook management skills, taught ninth- and tenth-grade students about the stock market, taught college students job searching skills, alerted students and residents about diploma scams, and taught residents of Prairie Pines Lodge retirement community about identity theft.

The awards were presented at a luncheon during the 2004 Governor’s Conference on Community Service. The award was established to recognize the outstanding work of individuals and groups dedicated to making Nebraska a better state. The Nebraska Volunteer Service Commission, the sponsor of the annual awards, received 100 nominations for the First Lady Awards this year and worked with a team of judges from throughout the state to select award recipients in 10 outstanding service categories.

This is the second First Lady Award students at Chadron State have received in recent years. The Pursuit of Knowledge Honors Fair for middle school students, which is organized and administered by CSC honors students, won the award in 2002 in the service learning in higher education category.

-CSC College Relations

Category: Campus News, Student Clubs & Organizations