Senior flute recital set


A flutist, Heather Husk of Casper, will give her senior recital at 7:30 p.m. Monday, April 5 in the recital hall of Memorial Hall at Chadron State College.

Husk is a 2000 graduate of Kelly Walsh High School in Casper. She has played with the CSC pep band and wind ensemble the past four years. She also has been in the flute ensemble and jazz band. She will enter the professional semester this fall, student teach next spring and graduate in May 2005.

After graduating, she hopes to teach elementary music or direct a middle school band.

During the recital, Husk will play a variety of musical styles. The program includes “Variation on a Theme by Rossini” by Chopin, “Sonata in E Minor” by Bach, “Romanzen” by Schumann and “Night Soliloquy” by Kennan.

In addition, she will perform “Where Rivers End” by Wiley Smith and “The Rose and the Nightingale” on the alto flute.

Husk will be accompanied on the piano by Nicole Smith. She is a student of Carola Winkle. 

-CSC College Relations

Category: Campus News, Music