Sculpture display, reception scheduled


A display featuring the works of Tom Red Bear is showing at the Mari Sandoz High Plains Heritage Center at Chadron State College this month. The show will begin Monday, March 8, and end Thursday, April 1.

Red Bear, who credits his grandfather for teaching him art and craftmasnship, has work on display in private collections at various sites throughout the world. In 1994, an alabastar eagle sculpture by Red Bear was presented to President Bill Clinton on behalf of the National Congress of American Indians to mark the first ever meeting of a U.S. President with tribal chairpersons of every federally recognized tribe.

The artist received formal training from the University of Colorado at Boulder, the Institute of American Indian Arts at Santa Fe, N.M., and the California College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland.

An artist’s reception for Red Bear will be Monday, March 8, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Sandoz Center. The display and reception are open to the public free of charge.


-Justin Haag

Category: Art, Campus News