New CSC dean plans to listen and learn

Rob Stack
Robert Stack


Dr. Robert Stack said he loves teaching mathematics, but when the opportunity to test the waters in administration occurred early this summer, he jumped at it. Thus, Stack is now the interim dean of students at Chadron State College.

“I’ve been interested in administration for quite a while and this seemed like a good chance to try it,” said Stack, who has taught math at CSC six years and was selected as the outstanding professor in the Nebraska State College System this past spring. “When I learned of this opening, I wondered if it would be a good fit for me. I checked it out and decided to apply. After about three weeks on the job, everything is working out well. I’ve already learned a lot.”

For instance, Stack said when he was a professor, he never realized how much time and effort goes into the admissions, enrollment and counseling efforts that bring students to the campus and place them into the right classes. He’s also been impressed by the various programs the college has to assist students after they arrive.

“The caliber of the staff that does this is outstanding. They really have the best interests of the students in their minds and hearts,” he observed.

The fact that Stack has just a one-year obligation to his new post appeals to him. That way, if he decides being dean of students isn’t for him, he can return to the classroom next fall. He received tenure as a math professor this past year.

In the meantime, he plans to put everything he’s got into his new duties.

“I won’t be in the office all the time,” he said. “I plan to move around the campus and talk to students. I know from listening to them when I was teaching that they have a lot of ideas and suggestions. I want to be student advocate as much as possible.”

Early this fall, Stack said he plans to initiate “dinner with the dean.” This will be in the cafeteria and allow students to exchange ideas with him over lunch or dinner. He also thinks it may benefit students to have some computers available in the Student Center so they can send or receive e-mails from there.

Stack said he’ll also attend the Student Senate and Campus Activities Board meetings to listen and learn from students.

Stack admits that he’ll probably spend more hours in his new job than he did while teaching. However, he’s not a stranger to long hours or hard work.

The latest issue of NCAA News includes a good-sized story about Stack’s experiences at the University of South Dakota just before he came to Chadron State in 1998. At that time he was a full-time math instructor, was working on his doctorate at the university and, somewhat by default, also was the USD head baseball coach.

He initially was the Coyotes’ assistant coach, but a few months after he had accepted the job the head coach resigned. Since the season was about ready to start, he was the logical choice to fill the position, particularly since he had played baseball at USD as an undergraduate.

At the same time, Stack and his wife Jill were beginning their family. They now have six children ranging from ages 12 to 2.

“I have to give Jill the credit for doing most of the work with the kids. I’m afraid I wasn’t much help to her, particularly during the baseball season. I know she was just as busy or maybe more so than I was.”

Stack added that those experiences some 10 years ago have helped him understand time management issues with current students. Many of them also try to juggle family, job and work responsibilities with taking courses and passing tests.

Stack replaces Dr. Rex Cogdill, who resigned as dean of students last spring and is now interim director of Student Support Services at CSC.

-CON MARSHALL, Director of Information

Category: Campus Announcements, Campus News