Honors recital is Thursday


Ten students from the music program at Chadron State College will present an honors recital Thursday, Dec. 9, at 7:30 p.m. in the recital hall of Memorial Hall. The public is invited to attend and there will be no admission charge.

 The recitalists are Shannon Yetter, Sutherland, clarinet; Erin Willey, piano; Warren Eagle, Tuscaloosa, Ala., euphonium; Karin Keller, Chadron, alto; Malinda Sprentall, Chadron, clarinet and piano; Michael Fulton, Norfolk, tenor; Melissa Huber, Sturgis, S.D., piano; Nichole Neal, North Platte, and Rachael Christian, Gordon, sopranos; and Nathan Beutler, Chadron, vibraphone. Each of the recitalists will perform solos.

In order to be selected to perform for the honors recital students must receive a recommendation by their studio teacher and then complete an audition for the entire music faculty. The event is conducted once during each school year and selection is a prized honor for music students. Students selected represent each of the applied music studios including voice, woodwind, brass, percussion and piano.

Prior to the event the collegiate chapter of Music Educators National Conference – MENC -- is hosting a reception for music scholarship donors to meet the recipients. The clarinet quartet and flute trio will entertain for the reception.

-CSC College Relations

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