CSC seniors set vocal recital

Michael Fulton, at left, and Ryan Lovell.
Michael Fulton, at left, and Ryan Lovell.


Two Chadron State College voice majors will give a senior recital at 7 p.m. Saturday, April 24 in the Mari Sandoz High Plains Heritage Center. They are Michael Fulton of Norfolk and Ryan Lovell, an Alliance native who now lives in Rushville.

The program will be open to the public without charge.

Fulton is a tenor who has been in numerous vocal and instrumental groups at Chadron State. He was chosen the outstanding male vocalist at Norfolk High School his senior year.

Fulton will be singing several classical selections, including two numbers from Mozart’s Don Giovanni. In addition, he will sing four show tunes from musicals, including “Something’s Coming” from West Side Story and “The Nearness of You” by Hoagy Carmichael.

Dr. Will Baily will be Fulton’s piano accompanist.

Lovell has not attended college the past few years, but returned this year to complete his degree. He admits that he has been busy, He is the leader of the Sheridan County Players who have presented 20 productions in the refurbished Plains Theatre in Rushville the last six years and has taught music in the Crawford Schools this year while Justin Bosak has been in Iraq with the National Guard.

Lovell’s portion of the recital will include classical numbers by Brahms and Schubert along with the collection of “Gambler Tributes” written by John Jacob Niles. In addition, he will sing two numbers from the musical “Little Shop of Horrors.” They are “Grow for Me” and “Suddenly Seymour.”

Lovell will conclude his portion of the program with two numbers from ”Dr. Jerkyll and Mr. Hyde.” They are “Once Upon a Dream” and “Confrontation.”

Lovell, who will graduate May 8, will be accompanied by Ashley Grey on the piano.

Both of the seniors have studied under Dr. Roger MacNeill and Dr. Joel Schreuder. Lovell also has taken voice lessons from Dr. Jackson Hammitt.

-CSC College Relations

Category: Campus News, Music