CSC professor invited to Oxford Round Table

Brent Pickett
Dr. Brent Pickett


Dr. Brent Pickett, Chadron State College associate professor of political science, is one of 40 people invited to participate in a session of the Oxford Round Table, a symposium to “promote human advancement and understanding through the improvement of education.” The symposium will be at Oxford University at Oxford, England, Aug. 1-6.

Pickett’s session will focus on trade and economic relations of the European Union and the United States.

The Chadron State professor will make a presentation about agricultural subsidies and the latest round of World Trade Organization talks at Doha, Qatar, commonly referred to as the “Doha Round.”

Pickett said he will explore the question of whether the Doha Round’s goal of reducing agricultural subsidies in developed countries, including the United States, is reasonable.

“One thing I’m going to be trying to argue in this paper is that health concerns should be incorporated more strongly into agricultural issues, primarily tobacco regulation and perhaps obesity issues.” Pickett said.

The precursor to the Doha Round, the Uruguay Round, created the WTO after 7 ½ years of discussions by representatives from 123 countries. The talks evolved from the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, which provided the rules for much of world trade from 1948 to 1994.

“If successfully completed, the Doha Round promises to substantially reduce barriers to trade between nations, and to reduce supports for agriculture in the developed world. That would include the variety of farm subsidies which flow to Nebraska farmers,” Pickett said.

Pickett added that a successful Doha Round would strengthen the clout of the WTO and further reduce the independence of WTO member states.

The Oxford Round Table first convened in August 1989 to consider major issues in contemporary educational policy in the United States, the United Kingdom and other selected countries. The membership of the first meeting was limited to ministers of education from several nations and a number of governors from the United States.

Pickett said he appreciates the opportunity to meet the educators and officials in attendance, and also is looking forward to touring many points of interest in and around Oxford.

The Round Table’s publicity material says its success is dependent on the “assurance that this learning community will be composed of outstanding educational leaders.”

In addition to ministers of education and governors, past membership has included members of Parliament, executive officers of international corporations, educational administrators and academicians from major universities.

Pickett is the first Chadron State professor to be selected to the Oxford Round Table. The symposium is one of 10 at Oxford this summer that will address various topics.

Audio (mp3): Dr. Brent Pickett speaking about the Oxford Round Table and the topic of his presentation.

-JUSTIN HAAG, Communications Coordinator

Category: Campus News, Social Sciences