CSC ag professors win awards

Dr. Chuck Butterfield and Dr. Georgia Younglove hold the Penguin Awards they received as the outstanding scholar and teacher, respectively, in the School of Professional and Graduate Studies.
Dr. Chuck Butterfield and Dr. Georgia Younglove hold the Penguin Awards they received as the outstanding scholar and teacher, respectively, in the School of Professional and Graduate Studies.


Two agriculture professors at Chadron State College were recently honored during a breakfast for faculty in the School of Professional and Graduate Studies at Chadron State College.

The Outstanding Professor Award went to Dr. Georgia Younglove and the Outstanding Scholar Award went to Dr. Charles Butterfield.

Younglove has been at Chadron State since 1998 and Butterfield since 1999.

The Outstanding Professor Award was based largely on student evaluations. In addition, Younglove was instrumental in bringing the National American Pre-Veterinary Medical Association Symposium to Chadron State in early March and organizing the activities for it. During that event, she was chosen president-elect of the organization.

In addition, Younglove has organized an agricultural play day for Chadron elementary students and a showmanship contest for area youths.

Butterfield heads the CSC range management program, which is one of the strongest in the nation. He also has helped develop a wildlife habitat minor that will begin this fall. The Outstanding Scholar Award includes research, grant applications and presentations at meetings. During the past year, Butterfield spoke on the future of rangeland management programs at the Society of Range Management’s annual conference and the effects of drought on rangelands at a meeting in Ogallala focusing on water.

Younglove also was a finalist for the Outstanding Scholar Award. The others were Dr. Kim Madsen in family and consumer science and Dr. Wendy Waugh in business and economics.

The other finalists for the Outstanding Professor Award were Dr. Charles Cressy in business, Dr. Linda Brockbank in psychology, Dr. Don King in education and Tom Andersen in health, physical education and recreation.

-CSC College Relations

Category: Campus News, Range Management