Chadron State College administers numerous surveys during the academic year. These surveys are primarily focused on students and their interactions and experiences on campus. 

Chadron State College Survey Calendar

Institutional Surveys Last Administered Next Administration Frequency Target Audience Survey Administered By
American College Health Association
National College Health Assessment (ACHA-NCHA)
Feb. 2024 Feb. 2025 annually students Campus Wellness
Campus Climate  Feb. 2024 TBD bi-annually students Student Affairs
Campus Climate    TBD bi-annually employees Student Affairs
College Behavior Profile (CBP)   2024-25 AY annually returning students Student Affairs
Faculty Survey of Academic Administrators  Feb. 2024 Feb. 2025 annually faculty Academic Affairs
Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (FSSE) Feb. 2023 Feb. 2025 bi-annually faculty Institutional Research
Gallup - Buffet (NSCS Initiative)  Oct. 2023 TBD TBD students Student Affairs
Health Services & Counseling satisfaction
feedback form
as needed as needed as needed students Student Affairs
Healthy Minds/JED (NSCS Initiative) Nov. 2023 TBD TBD students Student Affairs and Academic Affairs
National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) Feb. 2023 Feb. 2025 bi-annually students Institutional Research
Nebraska Assessment of
College Health Behaviors (NACHB)
Feb. 2024 Feb. 2026 bi-annually students Student Affairs
Placement Survey Dec. 2023 Dec. 2024 annually recent graduates Institutional Research / Career Services
Residence Hall satisfaction feedback
on cancellation form
as needed as needed as needed students Housing and Residence Life
Year 1 College Behavior Profile (Y1CBP) April - Aug. 2024 April - Aug. 2025 annually new students Student Affairs 
Program Surveys  
Course Surveys Spring 2024 Summer 2024 semester students  Institutional Research