Is this an emergency?

The quickest way to get help is to call 911 or 9-911 from a campus phone.

Chadron State College Alcohol Policy

Chadron State College's Student Handbook outlines our dry-campus alcohol policy.

The possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs on college property is in violation of the policies of the Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges. In Board Policy 2800, the Board has formulated standards of conduct for students which prohibit the following acts:

  1. Use, possession, manufacture, distribution or sale of alcohol, illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia on college premises or while on college business or at college activities, or in college supplied vehicles.
  2. Storing in a locker, desk, vehicle, or other place on college owned or occupied premises, any unauthorized controlled substances, drug paraphernalia or alcohol.
  3. Use of alcohol off college premises that adversely affects a student's work or academic performance, student’s safety or the safety of others.
  4. Violation of State or Federal laws relating to the unauthorized use, possession, manufacture, distribution or sale of alcohol, controlled substances or drug paraphernalia.

Board Policy 3100 provides that the following acts shall be considered to constitute misconduct for which an offending student may be subject to disciplinary sanctions

  • Unlawful or unauthorized possession, use, distribution, dispensing, delivery, sale or consumption, manufacture, or being in the presence of any alcoholic beverage, including empty bottles/cans or any alcohol container on any part of the college campus including outdoor areas and parking lots;
  • Alcohol consumption that endangers the health, safety, or property of oneself or another, or requires medical treatment or college staff intervention;
  • Unlawful or unauthorized possession, use, distribution, delivery, dispensing, manufacture or sale, or being in the presence of any drug; being in possession of paraphernalia for drug use, except as expressly permitted by law, or being unlawfully under the influence of any drug unless directed by a licensed physician;

Alcohol and Other Drugs: Helpful Information

Alcohol and other drug use can be prevalent among college students. Whether you are concerned about the use of legal drugs such as alcohol, or illegal drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, or ecstasy, all students have to make decisions about drinking and/or drug use. You must first realize that the decision to use alcohol or other drugs is a personal one with potentially serious legal and health consequences. It is up to you to determine if, when, and how much you drink or use. You should know your limits and weaknesses and take responsibility for them. Consider your reasons for using alcohol or other drugs. Is it to feel good, or to be more socially comfortable? What are your alternatives? Which ones are healthy? Which ones carry potential judicial and legal sanctions?

Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant drug that decreases body processes such as breathing, heartbeat, and brain activity. Its consumption changes behavior and judgment beginning with the first drink; those changes are progressive with continued consumption. The impact of any number of drinks on behavior and judgment varies for each individual and depends on social and physical factors. Social factors include mood and setting. Physical factors include:

  • Gender (women usually feel the effects of alcohol faster than a man of the same weight does)
  • Body weight
  • Type of drink
  • Amount of food in the stomach
  • Rate at which the alcohol enters the system - see for Blood Alcohol Concentration information
  • Prescription and over-the-counter medications affect alcohol metabolism

Health effects of alcohol include hangover, dehydration, impotence, liver and brain damage; overdose or mixing with other drugs can cause potential respiratory failure and even death.

Whether you are over or under the legal drinking age, you cannot avoid making decisions about drinking - at parties, on dates, or in your room. The consequences of making poor decisions about drinking can increase your risk of academic failure, getting a sexually transmitted disease (STD), and being involved in sexual or physical assaults. They can also increase your risk of developing a long-term drinking problem. Careless decisions about drinking - made at the last minute or when you have already begun drinking - usually have the worst consequences. But you can make good decisions - before you drink, that will protect you and those you care about. Begin with the facts and an honest assessment of your current drinking habits and be a helpful and responsible host to others.

Drug Information

Drugs may have both short-term and long-term health effects, depending on many factors such as the type and quantity of drug, how often someone uses it, the physical and emotional health of the user, and combinations of drugs, including alcohol. Even infrequent use of drugs can result in physical problems such as hangovers, digestive problems, heart damage, decreased sexual performance, injuries due to lack of coordination and judgment, and even death. Other possible effects include impaired performance in class and at work, relationship conflicts and financial difficulties.

A Psychoactive drug is defined as a chemical or drug that has a specific effect on the mind. There are three basic categories of psychoactive drugs: stimulants, psychedelics, and depressants.

    • Stimulants - also called uppers - increase alertness, energy, physical activity and feelings of well-being. Some examples are cocaine, amphetamines such as speed and crystal meth, nicotine, and caffeine.
    • Psychedelics - also called hallucinogens - can cause visual, auditory, and other sensory hallucinations. Examples are LSD (acid), peyote, and psilocybin.
    • "Club drugs" combine the properties of both stimulants and hallucinogens. The effect is a heightened sensitivity to sensory input without hallucinations or other major perceptual distortions. Examples are ecstasy, ketamine and GHB and are prevalent at "raves."
    • Depressants - also called downers - decrease body processes such as breathing, heartbeat, and brain activity. Examples are alcohol, barbiturates, rohypnol (aka “roofie,” the "date rape drug"), tranquilizers, and inhalants.
    • Marijuana (pot) is a form of cannabis that is the most widely used illegal drug in America. When smoked, marijuana triggers a mild euphoria and a heightened sensitivity of bodily sensations, along with a variety of other perceptual distortions that are usually experienced as pleasant, but not always, and not by all users. Research shows that marijuana affects the balance of chemicals in the brain that control mood, energy, appetite, and concentration.
    • Psychoactive drugs are most frequently used for recreational purposes. Many produce tolerance and dependence (psychological, physical, or both). The more frequently a person uses a drug and/or the larger the dose, the greater his or her tolerance to the drug. This means that over time, larger quantities may be needed to produce the desired effect.

Although dependence is associated with tolerance, it is not the same thing. A person who is physically dependent on a drug needs it to function "normally". When the drug is discontinued, withdrawal symptoms occur that can be both painful and even life threatening. Taking the drug again relieves these withdrawal symptoms, but only temporarily.

A person who is psychologically dependent feels he or she cannot function "normally" without the drug. While there may be no physical illness associated with quitting, there can be severe mental and emotional distress that prompts the person to continue using the drug.

Chadron State College Alcohol & Drug Programming and Education

Chadron State College offers wide-ranging Alcohol and Drug Education programs and services. The Office of Student Affairs, in collaboration with Health Services, focuses highly on preventive and proactive measures to ensure the safety and well-being of our students. Below is a list of current programming and educational opportunities we offer on our campus.

Chadron State College distributes its student handbook electronically to all new students and to all residential students, both new and returning. The College provides it in hard-copy form during New Student Orientation at a presentation where the Code of Conduct is reviewed. Both the Student Handbook and Residence Life Handbook contain information about Alcohol and Drug policies. The Student Handbook is updated annually and is made available on the college website for returning students and employees. Full and part-time commuting students will receive an email with the Student Handbook attached and encouragement to review the rules, policies and procedures outlined in the handbook.

3rd Millennium Alcohol-Wise. Alcohol-Wise is a 1-hour online alcohol abuse prevention course designed specifically for use on college campuses for first-year students and other high-risk groups. Alcohol-Wise is typically used for incoming first-year students to reduce risk for freshmen and positively impact campus culture. The Residence Life Association has hosted several alcohol awareness programs and speakers.

Campus Safety Presentation – Covers safety on and off campus for students, consequences of drinking and substance abuse/use from the perspective of the campus and law enforcement, and Title IX.

Drunk Goggle Relay – An interactive game raising the awareness of the negative effects of alcohol while trying to do simple tasks. Impairment was related back to driving while consuming alcohol and safety while drinking.

Posters hanging in all the Residence Halls regarding acute alcohol intoxication and the Good Samaritan law.

Bulletin boards that have content related to alcohol safety/prevention.

RA/RD Training:

  • Mock Room situations featuring Acute Alcohol Intoxication
  • Drug training with Police Department
  • Effects of Alcohol Training

First Residence Hall Floor Meetings:

  • Drug and Alcohol policy

For alcohol education sessions with sanctioned students, the Health Services Department uses the following resources:

  • The College Alcohol Profile (CAP), “a web-based brief intervention program designed to reduce high-risk drinking and alcohol related problems among college students in Nebraska” (
  • To assess for risk of Substance Use Disorder, the SASSI-4 Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory
  • To educate students about using alcohol or other substances, workbooks from the MEE Journal System (Motivational, Educational, and Experiential) published by The Change Companies

From the Student Health Program

  • The Navy Seals is part of the Athlete project in cooperation with WCHR and PPHD. We do screening annually – offered to all athletes, and risk reduction efforts are individual and by mass speaker presentation….such as the Navy Seals.
  • Brief interventions at the CSC Clinic to assess risk (alcohol and tobacco) and suggest risk reduction.
  • College Short Stay in cooperation with Chadron Hospital – students that are assessed in Residence Life to need evaluation at the ER are transported by EMS and assessed by the on-call physician in the ER and admitted for the night under protocols.
  • Feedback from the SASSI summary is useful for increasing student awareness and establishing rapport so that the individual can then obtain education and resources to better themselves in terms of health and wellness.
How To Know if You Need Help

Responsible Hospitality

The following are suggestions for students over 21 for their own safety and the safety of their guests:

  • Always have a designated driver
  • Limit the amount you drink; sip slowly and space drinks over time (it takes the liver about an hour to process 1 drink - 12 oz beer, 4 oz wine, 1 oz hard liquor)
  • Eat heavy meals or dairy products before or while drinking - these foods slow down absorption
  • Avoid salty food (peanuts, popcorn, chips) that will make you more thirsty
  • Drink diluted alcoholic beverages - beer, wine, or mixed drinks rather than "straight shots"; avoid carbonated mixers or sparkling wines - they speed the alcohol into your blood stream
  • Never accept an open drink from anyone. Rohypnol or the "date rape drug" is a potent, fast-acting sleeping pill that is undetectable when slipped into the drink of an unsuspecting man or woman.

How do I know if I have a problem?

The line between drug and alcohol use and abuse is very fine. Abuse is usually described in terms of the drug being used, the situation in which it is used, and the consequences the person experiences from using it. Warning signs of an alcohol or other drug problem are not always dramatic. They have more to do with attitude and their affect on interpersonal relationships, school or work performance than with "passing out" or medical emergencies.

The following questions can help to identify dependence. Are you:

  • Steadily drinking or using more at a time or more often?
  • Setting limits on how much, how often, when, or where you will drink or use other drugs and repeatedly violating your own limits? Keeping a large supply on hand, or becoming concerned when you run low?
  • Drinking or using other drugs before you go out with friends who don't use or before going places where alcohol or drugs are not available, such as class, work, etc.?
  • Drinking or using other drugs alone?
  • Drinking or using other drugs every day?
  • Spending more money than you can afford on alcohol or other drugs?
  • Doing or saying things when you are under the influence that you regret or don't remember later?
  • Lying to friends and family about your drinking or other drug use?
  • Becoming accident-prone when you are under the influence such as falling or dropping things?
  • Regularly hung over in the morning?
  • Worrying about your drinking or other drug use?
  • Having academic problems such as missing class, difficulty studying or poor grades?
  • Reducing contact with friends or experiencing increased problems with important relationships?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you should consider consulting a counselor or health professional. While one "yes" does not mean you are dependent, it suggests that your drinking and/or other drug use may cause you some problems.

Where Do I Get Help?

There are no quick cures for alcohol or other drug problems. However, the Counseling Center is here to support you. We can help you assess your situation and determine which level of intervention you may need. Early intervention can help avoid the harmful effects of long-term alcohol or other drug use. All information is strictly confidential and will not be released to anyone without your written consent.

Contact us at:

Alcohol and Other Drugs Support Group

We offer referrals to support group for students with concerns around their alcohol or drug use. Contact us.

What should I do if I suspect that a friend has had too much to drink and/or taken drugs?

  • In case of emergency call 911
  • In a non-emergency situation contact your RA, RD or campus security

Helpful Links

Become Involved in Alcohol Education Programming

Alcohol Awareness Month
Alcohol Advisory Council: Group of Students, Staff and Faculty that discuss policies and programming for alcohol and drug education and abuse prevention.


How to Help a Friend
  • Observe for signals of change in behavior — your friend may be agitated, belligerent, risk-taking, or a danger to him- or herself or others.
  • Try to wake your friend — if your friend does not respond, there may be a serious problem.
  • Listen to your friend’s breathing — is it regular or does it seem shallow or too slow (fewer than 8 times a minute)?
  • Check your friend’s skin — is it normal color or does it seem pale or bluish; does it seem cold or clammy?

Take Action!

If you discover any one of the above problems on campus or off-campus:

  • Call 911 and/or Chadron Police Department 432-0510. We're here to help!
  • Stay with your friend while waiting for help
  • Make sure your friend is lying on his or her side to prevent choking in case of vomiting

Helpful Links

Information used with permission from Champlain College.