Scott Greenwood Memorial Music Scholarship

Eligibility: SophomoreJuniorSenior
Area of Interest: Music


The recipients shall be majoring in Music and have participated in a CSC campus production, band, choir, drama, musical, etc. They shall have a GPA of at least a 3.0.

Scott Greenwood was born January 15, 1953 to Regis and Marguerite Greenwood. Scott chose Chadron State College to further his education, receiving his bachelor's degree in 1975 and his Master’s degree in 1982. While at Chadron, Scott was actively involved in the Eagleaires as well as numerous musicals and plays. After college, Scott taught for three years at Loup City, Nebraska before pursuing a career in the performing arts. At the time of his death in 1995, Scott was living in Chicago, IL, a city he loved.


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