James & Shirlee Hampton Science Endowment

Eligibility: All
Area of Interest: ChemistryPhysicsScienceBiologyNatural SciencePhysical Science


The recipient shall have a GPA of at least 2.5 Preference should be given to a member of the Men's basketball team. He shall be majoring in Chemistry, Natural Science, Physical Science, General Science, Biology, or Physics. Second preference shall be any student majoring in Chemistry, Natural Science, Physical Science, General Science, Biology, or Physics.

Jim Hampton is from Chadron. Jim married Shirlee Durham who was also born and raised in Chadron. She attended Chadron State for one year before they headed to East Lansing, MI where Jim attended Grad School. Jim grew up in Chadron and graduated from Chadron State College in 1958. His mother, Florence Hampton, attended Chadron State. His father, Walter Hampton, was a longtime supporter of the college, especially the athletic teams. His older sister (Hope) and brother (Bob) graduated from the college as well as some nieces and nephews. Upon the death of his parents he established the Science Scholarship with a preference for Chemistry students and varsity team basketball players. Jim also attended Michigan State University and received a PhD in Chemistry. He was employed by Dow Corning Corporation for 34 1/2 years, but never forgot his roots or Chadron State. He hopes this scholarship will help in a small way for putting students on a successful path through their lives.


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