John Wojcik

John Wojcik

Office AddressMemorial Hall 110


Education Background

Bachelor of Music Education, Michigan State University, 1978
Master of Music in Trumpet Performance, Oklahoma University, 1981
Doctor of Musical Arts, University of Kansas, 1993

Job Responsibilities

Conduct the Wind Symphony and Chadron State College Community Symphonic Band; teaching Applied Brass, Conducting, Secondary Instrumental Methods. Additional responsibilities include: teaching Music for the Classroom Teacher and directing the Eagle Pep Band.

Professional Activities & Awards

Guest Conductor for area conference honor bands
Guest Conductor for the Nebraska Class B All-State Band
Nebraska State Chair for the National Band Association
Perform regularly on trumpet for area events
Member, Western Nebraska Community College Jazz Band, Fall 2020
Judge for area conference instrumental, small and large group contests.
Conductor, High Plains Festival Honor Band, 2019 and 2020

Campus Involvement

Member, Homecoming Committee
Member, Education Preparation Program Committee
Pit Orchestra Trumpet, CSC Musical, The Noteworthy Life of Howard Barnes, 2022
Participant, CSC Faculty Recital 2019-present
Advisor, National Association for Music Education, CSC Student Chapter

Research & Professional Interests

Nine articles published in the The Instrumentalist magazine
Teacher Resource Guide on Clifton Williams’s Caccia and Chorale published in the 2nd edition of volume 1, Teaching Music through Performance in Band series.
Presented seminars at regional College Music Society conferences and state conferences in Nebraska and Mississippi.