The Delicate Balance of School and Work

By Olivia Bryant - April 19, 2021

One question I am asked by classmates and family is how I manage to find balance between school and work. Learning to manage time and handling stressful moments well are some of the ways I deal with my work and school. But, I wanted to get another student’s perspective and had the privilege of sitting down with Abigail Swanson to discuss school and work balance.

Abigail, a recent Chadron State College graduate, received her bachelor’s degree in Business with an option in Marketing and Minor in Creative Writing. She is pursing her Master of Business Administration and hopes to take advantage of CSC’s new Digital Marketing focus.

When I asked Abigail why she chose to attend CSC she noted the supportive campus community and affordability both played a significant role in her decision. These qualities also stood out to me when I chose to attend CSC. We both agreed that having smaller class sizes and teachers focused on student learning are critical to our success.

Abigail came to be a College Relations’ Graduate Assistant after seeing a job opening on the Nebraska State College System employment website. She thought she would be a good fit for this position because of her educational background in business, marketing, and writing. After seeing the opening, Abigail applied, and her plans fell into place.

When asking Abigail about the differences between her undergraduate and graduate programs, she notes the change in class difficulty and scheduling. While she has fewer classes now, they require a higher level of effort and take more time to complete. She also notices another difference between the programs. Her graduate work allows her more independence than her undergraduate work did. She is also able to work at her own pace; something she enjoys.

Abigail says she balances her school and work obligations imperfectly. She has learned to make the most of her time by clumping her class schedule together to make more time for her work responsibilities. We talked about taking stressful moments in stride. Our work often allows us to utilize what we learn in the classroom and vice versa. I know my work in the College Relations office is often tied to what my professors are teaching. Being able to draw upon experiences from the classroom has also helped to make work easier. We agree that finding a job that aligns with your career path is essential.

If Abigail could give any piece of advice to those wanting to continue their education, she says to start sooner rather than later. Putting off plans can be detrimental to your success. Starting now saves you time and reduces stress for the future. She also recommends finding a school or position that pays you to go to college because it allows for more time to focus on academics.

Abigail has been an excellent addition to the office, and I have enjoyed working with her. Her fresh perspective and creative ideas have been a real asset to the team. I am excited to work more with her in the future and know that she will do great things.