An Eye for Design: An Interview with Publications Specialist Dewayne Gimeson

By Olivia Bryant - March 21, 2021

Each week I have been highlighting an employee of College Relations and sharing a few of my own experiences along the way. I recently had the pleasure to sit down with College Relations Publications Specialist Dewayne Gimeson for an interview and chat about life. I hope you can gain some new knowledge from a long-time employee of Chadron State College. Thank you, Dewayne, for taking the time to share your insights into a designer's mind. I have sincerely enjoy working with you and appreciate the enthusiasm you bring to the College Relations office.

Q: How long have you been at Chadron State College?

A: Over 30 years and I think it's probably more like 32 [years]. I started in the Fall of 1989. Before Chadron State College I was in Fargo, North Dakota, as a lithographer. [Lithography is a printing process that uses a metal plate on which an image or text areas are covered with a greasy substance so that the ink will adhere to them while the non-image areas are made ink-repellent. Lithography is used in newspapers, magazines, and books.]

Q: How did you come into your position?

A: I began working [at Chadron State College] running the Print Shop as Print Shop Supervisor. [I was] working with work study [students] and [printing] equipment when my director came [to me and] said can you do desktop publishing? I said sure I can do desktop publishing and did that for close to 10 years. I also was interested in graphics, but there was no graphic artist at Chadron State College so I approached, at the time, Connie Rasmussen. I proposed my idea to her and she could see the need for someone to create graphics and we also needed somebody to do video. I was doing graphics and video when along came Daniel Binkard and he's a great photographer and we recognized his skills. He was interested in video, so somehow, I worked it to where I got my position split. Graphics is the part that I took over and Daniel did the photography and video part. So that's how I came to get into this position as a graphic designer at Chadron State College. It's been an interesting adventure from productions to just [being on] the graphic end.

Q: What is the most rewarding part of your job?

A: As a designer when everything comes together. It's that moment when you're looking at a sunset and time stops, and the world is gone. That's one favorite part of my job. Then there's the guy that likes the challenge [of] changing [design] elements to match [revisions].

Q: Is there a certain project that stands out to you during your career?

A: The branding of [Chadron State College’s] 100-year anniversary because it had to happen so quickly. [Having to create] one continuous element throughout that campaign was very intriguing and challenging.

Q: What advice would you give to your younger self?

A: I think if I were to tell younger me anything I would say to be brave and those things that scare you aren't as big as you're making out to be. Have the confidence and courage that the next step you take will be OK. The older I get the more I rage against fear and fear in my life. So maybe that’s what I would tell my younger self to be a little bit braver.

Q: Do you have anything else you would like to add?

A: As a designer, I look at life in a different manner as to look for the why is [something] that way [and] could it be better. [I look at] how would I design something and this habit makes life better because I am looking for the understanding in why things are the way they are.