Below are some informational links for faculty and staff regarding working with students struggling with mental health issues or students who may pose a danger to themselves or others.

Knowing When to Refer a student for Professional Help

Knowing When to Refer a Student for Professional Help

When students express personal concerns, faculty and staff can provide help through empathic listening, facilitating open discussion of problems, instilling hope, conveying acceptance, and offering basic advice. Often times, this type of help is adequate. In other cases, however, students need professional help to overcome problems and to resume effective coping.

Signs that indicate that a student may need counseling:

  • The student remains distressed following repeated help from you or other staff members.
  • The student becomes increasingly isolated, unkempt, irritable, or disconnected.
  • The student’s academic or social performance deteriorates.
  • The student’s behavior reflects increased hopelessness or helplessness.
  • You find yourself doing on-going counseling rather than consultation or advising.

A Note on Confidentiality

CSC Counseling Services are required by law and by professional ethics to protect the confidentiality of all communication between counselors and clients (except in cases where harm to self or harm to others is involved).

Consequently, a counselor cannot discuss the details of a student’s situation with others or even indicate whether the student is, in fact, in counseling, without having written permission from the student. Ideally, the student would share important information with you directly based on your need and your relationship.

How to Refer

  • Speak to the student in a direct, concerned, straightforward manner.
  • Because many students initially resist the idea of counseling, be caring but firm in your judgment that counseling would be helpful. Also be clear about the reasons that you are concerned.
  • Suggest the student call to make an appointment, and provide the counseling services number (432-6232) and location (Crites 343).
  • Remind the student services are FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL.
  • Sometimes it is useful to more actively assist students in scheduling an initial counseling appointment. You can offer the use of your phone or call the receptionist yourself while the student waits in your office. In some situations, you may find it wise to walk the student over to the Health Center.
  • If you need help in deciding on whether or not it is appropriate to make a referral, call Health Services at 308-432-6282 for consultation with CSC’s licensed counselor.

CSC Contact Numbers

Health Services Office: 308-432-6232
Nurse Office: 308-432-6032
TRiO Counselor Office: 308-432-6242
Student Affairs: 308-432-6231

Tips for Dealing with Disruptive or Threatening Students

Tips for Faculty and Staff in Dealing with Disruptive or Threatening Students

College faculty and staff sometimes face student behavior that challenges their ability to maintain an effective and safe learning or work environment. The following information offers tips on responding to the disruptive or threatening student. Also, various campus offices can support faculty and staff in dealing with disruptive and/or threatening students. Feel free to consult with the campus resources listed below.

If a student behaves inappropriately with you or makes you feel uneasy, it may be helpful to discuss your concerns with someone else. Your department chair or dean may be a resource, along with other college resources. Sometimes just talking with another professional will clarify the issues and help you resolve the problem.

What is disruptive behavior?

Disruptive behavior is student behavior that interferes with or interrupts the educational process of other students or the normal business functions of the college.

Strategies to Discourage Disruptive Classroom Behavior

While there are some specific tactics for dealing with disruptive students, faculty may prevent some of this behavior from occurring by creating a positive classroom environment at the outset. Some of these tactics may include: Being engaged with students, willingness to listen to student views, communicate classroom expectations and “ground rules,” seek feedback from students, avoid grade surprises, and help students see the value of the course.

Responding to Disruptive Behavior

Even when you have worked hard to create a positive learning environment disruptive behaviors still might arise. Every situation is unique and each instructor has a unique level of tolerance and preferred style for dealing with student behavior. Below are a few tips that may help in dealing with difficult students:

  • Deal with disruptive behavior early, before you get angry or feel threatened.
  • Don’t take students' behavior personally.
  • Decide if you need to deal with the behavior immediately or if it can wait until after class. If it requires an immediate response, verbally request that the student stop the disruptive behavior. If the problem persists, ask the student to leave.
  • If you need to reprimand a student, speak with the student privately if possible.
  • Meet with the student outside the class to discuss the disruptive behavior.

Dealing with a Suspicious Student

Usually these students perceive that they are being mistreated and are apt to lodge complaints. They tend to be tense, cautious, and mistrustful and may have few friends. They often interpret a minor oversight as a personal slight or a sign of prejudice against them, and they overreact to insignificant occurrences. They see themselves as the focal point of everyone’s behavior, and everything that happens has a special meaning for them. Often they are preoccupied with fairness and being treated equally. Disavowing responsibility for their own behavior, they often blame others for their difficulties. Underneath, they may feel inadequate and even worthless.

Threatening or Violent Behavior

Violence in the workplace can take many forms — from a colleague or student who exhibits dangerous or threatening behavior to abusive relationships between partners or family members to random acts of violence by members of the public with no connection to the campus.

When behaviors become intimidating or threatening, you may feel anxious, afraid and concerned for your personal safety. It is important not to manage such a situation alone. Various offices on campus can assist you.

Tips to Deal with Threatening Behavior

It is helpful to:

  • Maintain a posture that is poised, ready to move quickly but not fearful
  • Maintain a tone of voice that is direct and clear, but not threatening
  • Use clear, assertive statements of consequences and repeat as necessary
  • Use eye contact sparingly or only to emphasize a point
  • Avoid gestures, if possible, as they may be interpreted as signs of weakness
  • Avoid physical contact or only have contact if you need to defend yourself
  • Place yourself behind a table or near an exit
  • Leave an unobstructed exit for the person who is threatening

It is not helpful to:

  • Get into an argument or shouting match
  • Become hostile or punitive yourself or make a threat or dare
  • Ignore warning signs such as clenched fists

Dealing with an Ongoing or Evolving Threat

Make sure that you document threatening behavior for possible future reference. Include name of student, date, time and place of incident, describing the incidents in behavioral terms. Use quotes for verbal threats.

Campus Resources

Several CSC offices on campus can assist you in dealing with disruptive, threatening or violent students.

Student Code of Conduct

CSC Health Services: Crites Hall 344, 308-432-6232 (office)

Health Services and counseling hours are from Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Staff are available to consult with you about students who are of concern to you, perhaps because they appear to be at risk to others or themselves.

Chadron Police Department: *308-432-0510 *Non emergency number.
For emergencies, dial 9-1-1 or 9-9-1-1 from a campus phone.

The Chadron Police Department can dispatch officers to respond to immediate threats. They can work with you to help create a safe office, department or classroom. They also can consult with you regarding persons who are not CSC students.

CSC Employee Assistance Program: 1-800-755-7636
The Employee Assistance Program offers no cost, brief, confidential counseling to CSC employees.

We consulted the following resource materials in developing this information:

Assisting the Emotionally Distressed Student: A Guide for Staff and Faculty, University Health Services Counseling and Psychological Services, University of California, Berkeley

Dealing with Disruptive Students in the Classroom, The Office of Student Life, Northern Arizona University

Disruptive and Threatening Student Behavior: Guidelines for Faculty and Staff, Division of Student Affairs, University of Southern California

Managing Difficult Student Behavior: Guidelines for Faculty and Staff, The Office of the Dean of Students & The University Counseling Center, University of Utah

Tips For Dealing With Disruptive Students, Counseling Services, University of Missouri – St. Louis

Quick Reference Guide to Suicide Prevention

Quick Reference Guide to Suicide Prevention

When you encounter someone you suspect may be having suicidal thoughts, below are some tips to evaluate the situation and help the individual. If you need assistance or if you have any questions, below is relevant contact information:

Health Services Office: 308-432-6232
Counselor Office: 308-432-6268
Counselor: 308-432-6391
Nurse Office: 308-432-6032
TRiO Counselor Office: 308-432-6242
Student Affairs: 308-432-6231

Here are some basic tips for suicide prevention

Signs - Look for actions, thoughts, feeling or physical evidence of suicidal intent. This may include statements of hopelessness or worthlessness, extreme sadness or numbness.

Ask- "Are you having thoughts of suicide?" Asking the question will not give someone the idea.

Find out – Determine the need for immediate assistance. Have they made a plan? If so, more immediate action is warranted.

Enlist – Walk them over to Health Services to or call a listed resource number listed above and consult with a counselor or nurse.

Report – File a CARE (Campus Assessment, Response, and Evaluation) Referral form Report on the incident for professional follow-up. Form can be found at 

Make a referral

Community Crisis Resources

Chadron Police Department: 308-432-0510
Nebraska Panhandle Suicide Prevention Coalition: Kim Engel Email:
National Suicide Hotline: 9-8-8 or (800) 784-2433,

If you have information that a student is at risk for suicide, has attempted suicide, or has been hospitalized for an attempt, please complete a submission form to CARE (Campus Assessment, Response, and Evaluation) immediately. 

College Student Mental Health Statistics

College Student Mental Health Statistics

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

There is much we now know about students and the mental health issues they experience while attending college. Here are some brief facts and stats about college students and mental health. This data undoubtedly makes the case for the importance of addressing the mental health needs of all students on college campuses and why everyone should care about this issue.

Mental health issues are prevalent on college campuses.
  • 75 percent of lifetime cases of mental health conditions begin by age 24.(1)
  • One in four young adults between the ages of 18 and 24 have a diagnosable mental illness.(2) More than 25 percent of college students have been diagnosed or treated by a professional for a mental health condition within the past year.(3)
  • More than 11 percent of college students have been diagnosed or treated for anxiety in the past year and more than 10 percent reported being diagnosed or treated for depression.(4)
  • More than 40 percent of college students have felt more than an average amount of stress within the past 12 months.(5)
  • More than 80 percent of college students felt overwhelmed by all they had to do in the past year and 45 percent have felt things were hopeless.(6)
  • Almost 73 percent of students living with a mental health condition experienced a mental health crisis on campus.(7) Yet, 34.2 percent reported that their college did not know about their crisis.(8)
  • Colleges across the country have reported large increases in enrollment.(9) At the same time, college counseling centers have also observed an increase in the prevalence and severity of mental health issues experienced by students and an increase in the number of students taking psychotropic medications.(10)
Mental health issues are a leading impediment to academic success.
  • In an American College Health Association report released in 2011, students cited depression and anxiety as among the top impediments to academic performance.
  • 64 percent of young adults who are no longer in college are not attending college because of a mental health related reason.(11) Depression, bipolar disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder are the primary diagnoses of these young adults.(12)
  • 31 percent of college students have felt so depressed in the past year that it was difficult to function and more than 50 percent have felt overwhelming anxiety, making it hard to succeed academically.(13)
College students are not seeking help.
  • More than 45 percent of young adults who stopped attending college because of mental health related reasons did not request accommodations.(14) 50 percent of them did not access mental health services and supports either.(15)
  • Overall, 40 percent of students with diagnosable mental health conditions did not seek help.(16) 57 percent of them did not request accommodations from their school.(17)
  • Concern of stigma is the number one reason students do not seek help.(18)
Suicide is a real concern.
  • 7 percent of college students have “seriously considered suicide” during the past year.(19)
  • Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death on college campuses.(20)
More campus-based mental health services and supports are needed on campus.
  • The demand for mental health services and supports in community colleges is expected to increase in the next several years.(21) The increase in enrollment alone is justification for expanding and enhancing mental health services and supports available on college campuses and communities.
  • Without adequate treatment, young adults experiencing a mental health issue are more likely to receive lower GPAs, drop out of college or be unemployed than their peers who do not have a mental health challenge.(22)
  • Students have emphasized the critical need for the following services and supports to be available on campus:(23)
    • Mental health training for faculty, staff and students
    • Suicide prevention programs
    • Peer-run, student mental health organizations
    • Mental health information during campus tours, orientation, health classes and other campus-wide events
    • Walk-in student health centers, 24-hour crisis hotlines, ongoing individual counseling services, screening and evaluation services and comprehensive referrals to off-campus services and supports

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