Study Abroad Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I study abroad?

The answer to this question will be different for everyone. Mainly, it depends on your goals. Do you want to gain language fluency? Develop critical intercultural communication skills? Form lifelong connections? Beef up your résumé?

We’re here to help you achieve whatever goal it is you have for studying abroad and make sure it is a great experience.

How long do study abroad programs take?

This is up to you. CSC offers faculty led study abroad courses that are two weeks, summer term courses that can last 1-3 months, internships, and service learning opportunities that can last 1-3 months and semester or year-long opportunities.

Will credits I receive transfer to CSC if I study abroad?

Yes, credits will transfer back to CSC. If you’re interested in gaining credits that count towards your major we will help you fill out additional paperwork to have those courses considered. The decision if the credits will apply to your major is ultimately decided upon by the department and the Deans. If the credits do not apply to your major, they may be applied as general credits or they may fit into an Essential Studies Outcome. Please work with your academic advisor and the Study Abroad Coordinator for help with credit transfers.

Where should I go?

This is entirely up to you. CSC works with a company, ISA, to provide locations across the globe. They provide connections in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the Pacific. If there’s another country or specific university you’d like to attend, we can help you plan that too.

What are the timelines to consider when studying abroad?

Most students study abroad during their sophomore or junior years. If you’re planning to study abroad your senior year, please discuss this with the Study Abroad Project Coordinator and your academic advisor so they can plan accordingly.

You should start planning your trip a year in advance in order to complete the necessary paperwork and gain acceptance to the programs.

You can still graduate on time if you study abroad. If you go on the Faculty-Led trips, you’ll be taking college credits from CSC that count towards your degree. If you’re interested in studying abroad for longer, you can transfer your credits back to CSC. Some credits can count towards your major, with additional paperwork, and some credits will count towards your degree. Remember you have 39 essential studies credits to complete at CSC in order to graduate and studying abroad can count for some of those.

I don't know another language; will this be a problem?

You can study abroad without knowing another language, you’ll just have to make sure the courses are instructed in English. There are also programs that allow you to immerse yourself in a foreign language. You will be asked to take a placement test and be placed in appropriate language courses.

Who will support me during my program? What if I have a medical emergency?

CSC’s third-party provider, ISA, has staff on the ground in each country. You’ll first have contact with them when you’re applying to your program and they can help you with the application process and any questions you may have. They will be there to pick you up from the airport, get you settled in your new surroundings, and be on call if you encounter any issues while you’re there.

How can I pay for my independent study abroad experience?

If you qualify for federal direct student loans they may transfer to your new host institution. If you don’t have money to fully fund your study abroad experience upfront, there are alternative loans you can use to help pay. Any questions regarding federal direct loans and alternative loans can be answered by the Financial Aid Office.

To find the cost of studying abroad you’ll need to consider the average tuition fees for international students in your chosen country, as well as the cost of living.

For faculty led trips, what is included in the total price and what is not?

The price does not include: tuition, spending money and some meals. Prices generally include airfare, accommodations, tickets to see museums and course related visits, and some meals. You will be provided with definitive information regarding pricing once you’re ready to apply for the trip.

How do I apply to study abroad?

If you’re interested in studying abroad independently and you’ve determined the location and program you want to apply to, work with the Study Abroad Project Coordinator to start the application process and paperwork.

To apply for the Faculty-Led Programs contact the Study Abroad Project Coordinator to get your paperwork started. Application deadlines for May study abroad trips are the week before Thanksgiving break, with full payment due in January. Application deadlines for December study abroad trips are in May, with full payments due in the Fall Semester. The application includes a $200 deposit to reserve your plane ticket and start your account with the business office.

How do I get a passport?

To get a new passport you will need to go to a local passport acceptance facility which can be a post office, library, or county court office. In Chadron it’s the County Court Office. Passports usually take 6-8 weeks to process. You can get all the information about obtaining a passport and which documents to bring at: