High Plains 2025 Vocal Audition Material

CSC High Plains Choral Audition Excerpt Instructions: Please read carefully!

Students should say their first and last name at the start of their audition recording and then record themselves singing the appropriate vocal line accompanied by the Audition Accompaniment M4a file. Students may practice for the audition using the practice fall for their part, but must use the file labeled “Audition Accompaniment” for the recording of the audition. If you do not have the technology needed to play the M4a files while recording the audition, someone may accompany the student by playing the written piano part in the score. Do not play or accentuate the notes of the part of the student auditioning as this will disqualify them.

Remember to also record the scales and arpeggios!

Instructions for the scales and arpeggios are printed on the PDF file. 

High Plains Choral Excerpt Instructions 2025

High Plains Arpeggios 2025

High Plains Choral Excerpt 2025

Practice Files




High Plains Choral Excerpt Audition Accompaniment 2025

High Plains Choral Excerpt 2025 Soprano

High Plains Choral Excerpt 2025 Alto

High Plains Choral Excerpt 2025 Tenor

High Plains Choral Excerpt 2025 Bass