Student Opportunities

Communication Careers

Students with a degree in Communication have a variety of careers to choose from. Career possibilities include:

  • Advertising and marketing
  • Communication education
  • Public relations
  • Electronic media, television, print and radio broadcasting
  • Business communication
  • Government and politics
  • High-tech industries
  • Health care
  • International relations and negotiations
  • Law
  • Social and human services
Communication Internships

A key ingredient in the Communication curriculum is internships. An internship often is the first step through the door of a promising professional communication career. Students earn course credit for interning at locations in the profession of their choice. An internship is required for all Communication majors. For more information, please visit the Internship & Career Services site.

Communication majors have participated in experiential learning through internships. Students have applied their communication knowledge to the workplace in the following areas:

  • CSC College Relations
  • KCSR advertising and sales
  • KCSR on-air talent
  • Chadron Record reporter
  • Chadron Hospital human resources
  • Conflict Resolution Center, Scottsbluff, Neb.

The Communication department offers extra-curricular activities that provide students experience employers seek from new graduates or graduate schools seek from candidates. Communication is home to the college’s award-winning, weekly student newspaper The Eagle, and the Public Relations Club. The department also encourages academic research and provides students opportunities to work with faculty or perform independent research projects.

The Eagle

The Eagle, the voice of Chadron State since 1920, welcomes all students to join its staff, including freshmen. Working with the latest in technology, the staff produces The Eagle using up-to-date versions of Adobe’s InDesign, Photoshop, Acrobat and Illustrator. The Eagle photography staff is provided with a photography equipment pool.

Awards won by the Eagle Staff

Public Relations Club

The Public Relations Club helps plan events within the campus and community, and may assist other clubs on campus with promoting their events. Moreover, the club periodically attends communication conferences and networks with current public relations practitioners working in the field. All students are encouraged to be a part of the Chadron State College Public Relations Club. Membership is open to all students who have a desire to strengthen and utilize their public relations and communication skills.

The PR Club includes:

Networking opportunities such as educational field trips to Omaha, Minneapolis, and Rapid City.

Need assistance with your campus/community project? The PR Club is here to help!

Contact PR Club Adviser: Dr. Shaunda French-Collins at or 308-432-6302

The Big Event

The Big Event is a student-based, community service day designed to say thank you to the community of Chadron. Starting at Texas A&M University in 1982, The Big Event now occurs at more than 70 campuses across the nation. April 20, 2013 marked the beginning of this tradition at Chadron State College. More than 400 CSC student, faculty, and staff volunteers helped at 15 job sites in Chadron and surrounding areas. Volunteers interacted with residents at retirement communities, beautified city parks, painted in several buildings, and much more. This tradition has grown to encompass more than 600 students, faculty, and community volunteers reaching more than 100 different jobsites. The Big Event has grown to the surrounding communities of Chadron, including Crawford.

What can you do with a Communication degree

"The Communication department at CSC prepared me well for the working world in so many regards. I was able to collaborate with actual businesses on projects, I had three hands-on internships, participated in two summer Study Abroad programs, and built a portfolio to show to potential employers. I stepped off campus after graduation with the confidence and knowledge to jump start my career. The small class sizes allowed me to have meaningful relationships with my professors, which led to my success in the Public Relations industry and, additionally, my pursuit of a graduate degree a few years later. Many of whom, I still keep in touch with. To this day, I still rave about my undergraduate experience and would 100 percent recommend CSC Communication to anyone."

Kristi Ellstrom, Class of 2008


"The Communication program at CSC provided me with fantastic, hands-on verbal and visual storytelling experience that continues to benefit me in my daily life and work. The combination of faculty support, engaging curriculum, and research opportunities provided an excellent foundation on which I continue to build. I’m thrilled to have graduated from a high-quality and affordable institution that has prepared me so well and has furnished me with endless opportunities."

T.J. Thomson, Class of 2013


"The Communication department truly prepared me for the ‘real world.’ Between hands-on experience, caring professors who challenged me and wanted to see me excel, I felt a step ahead when entering the workforce. I wouldn't trade my CSC education and life-long relationships I created for anything in the world."

Cheyenne McGriff, Class of 2015
